Any form of Acne breakout is undesirable. Apart from the fact that it takes a lot away from the usual flawless skin, it takes even more away from a smooth make-up application.

Breakouts are largely as a result of poor lifestyle habits but sometimes they may indicate health issues. Dermatologists are usually able to diagnose the causes by simply looking at the face; this technique is called face mapping, which is known to work.

Acne Face Mapping Diagram,
Below is a breakdown of what your breakouts might actually be telling you;

1. Eyebrows/Between Brows/Temple Breakouts
Breakouts around the brows, temples and between brows/ around the eyes can be due to poor circulation, fatty diets/processed foods and alcohol and gallbladder problems.
To tackle this, increase in water intake is essential as well as a healthy diet and proper hygiene.

2. Nose Breakouts
Breakouts on the nose can be due to constipation, poor diet, bloating, gastrointestinal imbalance, indigestion or poor blood circulation.
To tackle this, massaging the nose area can help as well as taking Vitamin B and eating less seasoned foods.

3. Lip Area Breakouts
A breakout around the lip area can be caused by constipation, an excess of spicy or fried foods and a reaction to certain toothpastes.
To tackle this, increase your fruits and veggies intake.

4. Forehead Breakouts
Forehead breakouts are usually indications of irregular sleep patterns, poor diets, digestive problems, small intestine issues, liver issues, high levels of stress and even reactions to hair products.
To tackle forehead acne, get at least seven hours of sleep, drink plenty of water to flush out toxins, watch diet to see if any foods spark breakouts and check if certain facial or hair products are irritating skin. Avoid sugary drinks and foods as well.

5. Cheeks Breakouts
The left cheek especially can be faced with breakouts due to overeating, stress, stomach problems, dirty cell phones, dirty pillowcases or dirty makeup brushes as well as lungs/ liver issues.
If this happens it's important to change pillowcases frequently and wipe cell phones clean as well. Make sure to keep the skin clean everyday as well.

6. Chin Breakouts
Acne/breakouts around here are usually caused by hormonal problems, gynaecological issues, kidney imbalance, and too frequent hands to skin contact.
For this, proper rest and increase water intake helps. Also try as much as possible to keep hands away from the face as constantly touching the face causes breakouts.

7. Ear Breakouts
Breakouts around the ear surface can be as a result of kidneys not functioning properly or receiving enough nutrients or water as the ears are closely related to the kidneys.
To tackle this, drink enough water, avoid excess caffeine and salt.

Hope this has been useful and next time you notice a breakout you can have an idea of the cause and know what needs to be done to remedy it. Until next time GBF everyone….

To answer some of your questions from the previous post; 

The hair I made were normal Kinky braids, and after 3weeks I decided to loosen the top half, which gave it that different look.

Also currently they're yet to set a date for this years EMLN Competition. If we have any futher information we'll update. 




  1. This is super helpful. Thanks a lot for posting this

  2. Wonderful explanations I was actually looking for something like this online

  3. hi, just writing to say I loved this, very insightful and helpful, thanks for posting it : ) in researching the same area myself I came across something you may find helpful also.

  4. What about for the men?

  5. This is very helpful. I have been breaking out on my forehead/chin for about the past week or so, and I've been incredibly stressed over things. Thanks!

  6. Thank you so much for all of your helpful advice! Do you have any body mapping advice for things like chest breakouts and back breakouts? Thank you for your time!

  7. This is so helpful, thank you very,very much!!!

  8. I've actually heard about the theory but thanks for the diagram and proper explanations!

  9. WOW 100%!!! Right…. Yeah, I totally noticed that food is one major factor. You are what you eat. I've since cut down on eating nonsense, like chocolate, oily ad greasy stuffs,peas, etc.

  10. This is a fabulous post and enlightening. Now I know why I break out in certain areas only. Thank you so much.
