We all go the extra length when we have that special event to prepare for, looking perfect or at least trying to, is key.

Weirdly, nature chooses that time to wreak havoc on our skin.
So how do you cheat nature?

If something has to go wrong, it should have nothing to do with your skin.
So here are a few suggestions for staying picture perfect in those last few hours.

• Don't Experiment.
A new cleanser, cream, or treatment can cause pimples, irritation, or an allergic reaction. Now is not the time to take chances.

• Be Smart At the Spa.
Unless you've had several facials with the same ingredients, don't book one in the weeks before your big day. The result could be redness, a rash, or flaking.

• Know Your History.
If you're prone to breakouts or cold sores, stress can aggravate these conditions, and a doctor can prescribe medications to keep them from popping up.

• Do a Trial Run.
At least a month ahead of time, try on the fragrance you intend to wear to make sure you don't develop a rash or a headache.

• Watch Your Mouth.

The week before your big day, limit your consumption of salt, alcohol, and spicy foods, all of which can irritate sensitive skin. As appealing as they are, salt and booze also cause water retention, which makes the eyes puffy, the body bloated, and your dress uncomfortably snug.



  1. African SerenaJune 30, 2015 6:42 am

    Thank you so much for this article so many helpful tips here. But, I just saw this post and actually was reading about this same topic the other day. I did some searching around and stumbled onto this cool article…

  2. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Stress is the worst thing for my skin

  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on skin care. Regards

  5. This is really good, thank you

  6. Awesome extremely helpful article. Already doing a lot of this

  7. Where were these tips when I needed them some months ago, anyways thanks for this

  8. Nice. THANK YOU
